AIT thanks all donors for their generous support.

Dr. Tongchat Hongladaromp, an AIT alumnus in Structural Engineering in 1962 and the 10th Chairman of AIT Board of Trustees, signed an agreement with AIT President Dr. Eden Woon on 20 January 2020 for a donation of 504,969 Thai Baht earmarked for the renovation of Student Village 1 (SV1).
In recognition, the building is named after Dr. Tongchat Hongladaromp and AIT Alumni at KMUTT.

Dr. Varaporn is currently working as Director at Toyota Tsusho (Thailand).
Dr. Varaporn presented a donation cheque 1.2 Million Baht to AIT President Dr. Eden Y. Woon toward full scholarship for a Master’s Student.

Dr. Torsak Lertsrisakulrat, AIT Structural Engineering in 1998 and Managing Director of Eastern Star Real Estate Public Co. Ltd. , presented a donation cheque of 200,000 Thai Baht to AIT President Dr. Eden Y. Woon for upgrading campus facilities (student dormitory).

Thailand’s AIT Chinese Alumni Representative Mr. Liu Chongming (SEC ’93), Deputy Managing Director, China State Construction Engineering (Thailand) Co., Ltd. signed the agreement with AIT President Dr. Eden Woon for the Student Exchange Scholarship Program. Mr.
Liu was accompanied by Mr. Liang Xin (GTE ’92), Managing Director, Wonderful Marble Co. Ltd. The donation will support airfares and living expenses for Chinese students exchanging with global partner universities outside of China with which AIT has an agreement. In addition, the scholarship may be used for other purposes (e.g., supporting students from Belt and Road countries with round-trip air tickets when exchanging with any China university with which AIT has an agreement).